On 2025-Feb-27, Amul Sul wrote:
> Attached is the rebased patch set against the latest master head,
> which also includes a *new* refactoring patch (0001). In this patch,
> I’ve re-added ATExecAlterChildConstr(), which is required for the main
> feature patch (0008) to handle recursion from different places while
> altering enforceability.
I think you refer to ATExecAlterConstrEnforceability, which claims
(falsely) that it is a subroutine to ATExecAlterConstrRecurse; in
reality it is called from ATExecAlterConstraintInternal or at least
that's what I see in your 0008. So I wonder if you haven't confused
yourself here. If nothing else, that comments needs fixed. I didn't
review these patches.
Álvaro Herrera 48°01'N 7°57'E — https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"Porque francamente, si para saber manejarse a uno mismo hubiera que
rendir examen... ¿Quién es el machito que tendría carnet?" (Mafalda)