On Wed, Nov 06, 2019 at 11:01:37AM -0700, AJG wrote:
>From what I have read and benchmarks seen..
>FPGA shines for writes (and up to 3x (as opposed to 10x claim) real world
>for queries from memory)
>GPU shines/outperforms FPGA for reads. There is a very recent and
>interesting academic paper[1] on High Performance GPU B-Tree (vs lsm) and
>the incredible performance it gets, but I 'think' it requires NVIDIA (so no
>easy/super epyc+gpu+hbm on-chip combo solution then ;) ).
>Doesn't both FPHGA and GPU going to require changes to executor from pull to
>push to get real benefits from them? Isnt that something Andres working on
>(pull to push)?
I think it very much depends on how the FPA/GPU/... is used.
If we're only talking about FPGA I/O acceleration, essentially FPGA
between the database and storage, it's likely possible to get that
working without any extensive executor changes. Essentially create an
FPGA-aware variant of SeqScan and you're done. Or an FPGA-aware
tuplesort, or something like that. Neither of this should require
significant planner/executor changes, except for costing.
>What really is exciting is UPMEM (little 500mhz processors on the memory),
>cost will be little more than memory cost itself, and shows up to 20x
>performance improvement on things like index search (from memory). C
>library, claim only needs few hundred lines of code to integrate from
>memory, but not clear to me what use cases it can also be used for than ones
>they show benchmarks for.
Interesting, and perhaps interesting for in-memory databases.
>[1] https://escholarship.org/content/qt1ph2x5td/qt1ph2x5td.pdf?t=pkvkdm
Tomas Vondra http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
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