On Mon, 25 Mar 2019 13:50:42 -0400
Mark Steben <mark.steben@drivedominion.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> We are running postgres 9.4. We are outsourcing our databases to another
> datacenter owned by a third party company. The methodology we are using to
> move the database is hot standby log shipping replication. We will run
> streaming replication for several days then, when the time comes to pull
> the trigger and make the move, I will complete recovery, bring in a
> 'production' version of postgresql.conf, restart the database, and hand it
> over to the apps.
> We want to make sure that during the several days of replication we are
> immediately notified if a problem arises - a missing log, a production
> outage, etc. Is there a monitor or an 'in-the-box' procedure, or perhaps a
> condition to check during hot standby or streaming replication to ensure
> things are still running as planned, or if there is a problem?
You could simply use check_pgactivity to check the streaming replication delta.
Moreover, you'll be able to monitor the archiving process if you set it up.