> Yes, we are going to implement this over Postgres' streaming replication
> system,
> the usecase is DR, eg: the sync between two datacenter in same city,
> there had FC link, (Now FC could be used to extend IB network, so we are
> going to implement the native RDMA replication for low latency purpose
> for that case-- it is very import for some critical system, also, this
> replication is preferred base on Postgres' stream replication )
Well, I think the starting point should be, why is streaming replication
not preferred? It's very fast and very robust.
> 2.) the IB based replication system will work with current IP based
> replication system, it mean that, in a replication system, maybe had IB
> replication, and also had IP replication, the case1 is: NodeA to NodeB
> to NodeC, NodeA -IB->NodeB --IP-->NodeC ; means, NodeA to NodeB could
> be IB base replication, it provide low latency ; and NodeB to NodeC
> it is based on IP, it's orig IP based replication system ; the case2
> is: NodeA--IB-->NodeB, NodeA--IP-->NodeC ; means NodeA to NodeB is IB
> replication; and NodeA to NodeC is IP based replication,
> 3.) it will support sync replication and async replication ; also
> support phy replication and logical replication .
Honestly, that sounds fairly complex, for not a lot of gain, but I don't
know that I am competely understanding your proposal. This is a very
low-activity mailing list - what I would recommend at this point is writing
up a concise statement about why you need this and run it up the flagpole
to pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org. I promise you will get more of a response
there, for better or for worse. :)
Greg Sabino Mullane greg@endpoint.com
End Point Corporation
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