On Wed, 08 Feb 2017 12:31:58 -0500
Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Tiago Babo <tiago.babo@gmail.com> writes:
> > This is not how my application is doing the insert (like I showed you before), but it was the only way I could
continuouslyget the error. I'm using a Scala library called ScalikeJDBC to access the database. So maybe the problem is
onhow it handles the execution.
> You should turn on log_statements and look to see what's actually being
> sent to the server.
Last time I looked, the JDBC driver always uses prepared statements.
David Gould 510 282 0869 daveg@sonic.net
If simplicity worked, the world would be overrun with insects.
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