Hello, Craig.
I noticed that these patches have a "Needs review" status and decided to
take a look. Surprisingly I didn't manage to find many defects.
* I like this idea in general;
* Code is test covered and documented well;
* All tests pass;
* No warnings during compilation and/or tests run;
* I didn't find any typos;
* Code style seems to be OK;
Though are you sure you want to name a class like_this instead of LikeThis?
It's quite uncommon in Perl code and usually used only for packages like
"strict" and "warnings". However I prefer no to insist on changes like
this since it's a matter of taste.
The bottom line --- this code looks good to me. If there is nothing you
would like to change in the last moment I suggest to change the status
to "Ready for committer".
Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev