Re: install on windows - Mailing list psycopg

From Levente Kovacs
Subject Re: install on windows
Msg-id 20160507143413.1da3a28f@levivo
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: install on windows  (Jason Erickson <>)
List psycopg
On Wed, 23 Mar 2016 12:55:43 -0600
Jason Erickson <> wrote:

> Hmm, I can duplicate this issue.  But investigating it more, it is not
> strictly a psycopg2 issue, either.
> As Levente noted, the installers use Windows registry keys to
> determine the location of the Python installation.  Between python
> 3.4.x and 3.5.x, it looks like the registry key for 32bit Python was
> changed from a format of 3.5 to 3.5-32.
> This change causes a problem for ALL 32bit extension installers on
> Python 3.5 that use the standard Python stub installer.
> Briefly looking at the stub code, I believe the standard Python stub
> installer only recognizes registry keys in the format
> <major>.<minor>.  The extra '-32' at the end of the registry key
> makes the installer ignore the key, never finding the Python
> installation.
> Another package that uses the Python stub installer, pycurl, exhibits
> the same issues:
> I'm not suggesting this, but a workaround is to rename the following
> registry key from:
> SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Python\PythonCore\3.5-32
> to:
> SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Python\PythonCore\3.5
> (ie, remove the '-32')
> Install the extension, and then rename the registry back.  Don't
> forget to rename it back!
> Another workaround is to use the 64bit version of Python and
> Extensions.

Ok. Thanks.

I have the same issue with python2.7. The problem might be that the default
python download is for 32bit systems.

Thanks again!

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