Before I open a bug on this, I wanted to do a sanity check, since there
may be something I'm just not seeing.
I'm using PostgreSQL 8.2.3 and seeing this behaviour with timezones:
select create_date from article_lead;
2007-11-04 16:35:33.17+00
2007-11-04 04:35:36.09+00
2007-11-05 04:35:36.38+00
2007-11-05 16:35:36.67+00
(4 rows)
select create_date from article_lead where create_date >= '2007-11-03
17:00:00.0' and create_date <='2007-11-04 16:00:00.0';
2007-11-04 04:35:36.09+00
Shouldn't that second row have been in the results of the second query?
(create_date is of timestamptz type).
Also noted this oddity, though it may be unrelated:
set TimeZone='America/Los_Angeles';
select create_date from article_lead;
2007-11-04 08:35:33.17-08
2007-11-03 21:35:36.09-07 <-- why 07?
2007-11-04 20:35:36.38-08
2007-11-05 08:35:36.67-08