On Wed, 19 Sep 2007 07:59:36 -0500
Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/19/07 07:33, Bjørn T Johansen wrote:
> > Well, it isn't really the largest database or the database that
> > need the most performance... At the moment, the database isn't
> > larger than 15MB and is growing slowly... It is a webapp that is
> That'll fit in shared memory. Very fast.
> Where will it be in a year?
Well, twice as much I guess...
> > using the database and at the most (at the moment) there is about
> > 12-14 concurrent users and not much data volume...
> How many users in a year?
It's an internal webapp for a company, so I guess not that much more...
> > We are thinking about this spec. because the web app is a java
> > app, and we need need something that can run java fast as well as
> > postgresql...
> 12-14 users on a Quad-core system with 4GB RAM?
> Am I so old that (even accepting Tomcat and Java) that seems
> "excessive"?
Yes, I think that it's a bit excessive but the company can afford it so why not... :)