I've compiled the trunk branch and have mostly had great success,
(especially with quick report and auto-complete functionality) :) However I
noticed a few little things:
1) I can't add a job for pgagent to run. I add a job with 1 schedule and 2
steps and I get a "duplicate key violates unique constraint
"pga_jobstep_pkey" error. Here's the log:
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Void query (death:5432): BEGIN TRANSACTION
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Scalar query (death:5432): SELECT
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Query result: 5
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Set query (death:5432): INSERT INTO
pgagent.pga_job (jobid, jobjclid, jobname, jobdesc, jobenabled,
SELECT 5, jcl.jclid, 'test1', '', true, '' FROM pgagent.pga_jobclass jcl WHERE jclname='Routine Maintenance';
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Scalar query (death:5432): SELECT
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Query result: 5
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Scalar query (death:5432): SELECT
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Query result: 5
2006-06-05 19:31:04 QUERY : Void query (death:5432): INSERT INTO
pgagent.pga_jobstep (jstid, jstjobid, jstname, jstdesc, jstenabled, jstkind,
jstonerror, jstcode, jstdbname)
SELECT 5, 5, 'step1', '', true, 's', 'f', 'SELECT id
FROM crs_parcel
limit 2;', 'testgis';
INSERT INTO pgagent.pga_jobstep (jstid, jstjobid, jstname, jstdesc,
jstenabled, jstkind, jstonerror, jstcode, jstdbname)
SELECT 5, 5, 'step2', '', true, 's', 'f', 'SELECT astext(shape)
FROM crs_node
LIMIT 2;', 'testgis';
INSERT INTO pgagent.pga_schedule (jscid, jscjobid, jscname, jscdesc,
jscminutes, jschours, jscweekdays, jscmonthdays, jscmonths, jscenabled,
jscstart, jscend)
VALUES(5, 5, 'sch1', '',
'{f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,t,f,f,f,f}', '{f,f,f,f,f,f,f}',
'{f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f}', true, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL);
2006-06-05 19:31:04 ERROR : ERROR: duplicate key violates unique
constraint "pga_jobstep_pkey"
2) This is only a small thing but, the wxWidgets notebook pages do not seem
to be using winxp themes (I'm on WinXP SP2).
3) When the auto-completion TAB character option is set and you hit TAB when
there is more than one table option, the auto-complete function will always
select the first table in the list. It might be better to use the same
ctrl+space logic with a select combo box is presented to the user.
Thanks for the great work