Jerry LeVan writes
> Is it the case that "insert" could be used in a similiar
> fashion to load the bytea field?
Here's a code snippet for inserting a (varchar,bytea) tuple.
int write_bytea(const char* pkey, const char* buf, int size)
Oid in_oid[]={1043,17}; /* varchar, bytea */
const char* params[]={pkey,buf};
const int params_length[]={strlen(pkey),size};
const int params_format[]={0,1}; /* text,binary */
PGresult* res;
res = PQexecParams(pgconn,
"INSERT INTO tblob(pkey,contents) VALUES ($1,$2)",
in_oid, params, params_length,
params_format, 1);
if (res && PQresultStatus(res)==PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
/* success */
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