On 07/09/2003 11:59 Dr. Azmir wrote:
> Hi there I'm Dr. Azmir from Kuala Lumpur.
> I'm using RH 9.0 with postgresql intalled in it.
> My problem is I can't createuser and createdb with it.
> The error message "psql: FATAL: user "name" does not exist
> createdb: database creation failed"
> will pop up.
> Why?
You need to be user postgres to create at least one user. The way I do it
is, from root, su postgres, create a user with createuser which can also
create databases and other users. On my development machines, I use my
unix user name so its really easy to create databases and other users
without su'ing around. On production machines, I set up a dba user.
Paul Thomas
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