Working oin pgAdmin2 - Mailing list pgadmin-hackers

From Jean-Michel POURE
Subject Working oin pgAdmin2
Msg-id 200202240847.g1O8kxFP000356@www1.translationforge
Whole thread Raw
List pgadmin-hackers
Dear Dave,

I got rid of manual SQL constructions in pgSchema->Views, just for testing
and demonstration. Don't kill me, the job is more or less clean.

This demonstrates we could easily "mask" all SQL in pgSchema->Tables,
Triggers, etc... And it could be possible to do the same in pgAdmin2. This
makes it easy for developpers as they do not have to care for SQL. And this
is the beauty of the code to mask SQL.

Ultimately, this will allow an ***easy*** implementation of abstraction
layers to query MySQL, Oracle and MS SQL Server from pgAdmin2.

Last week-end, I had a deep look at libgda. This is a quite simpleabstraction
layer written in plain C. It does have the power or a C++ object oriented
abstractionlayer. But it has nice things like abstract types and type
conversion (I guess).

We could well implement "database providers" in pgSchema to offer basic
access to other database schemas. This could well be in read-only in a first
time. This is not for now are there are more important projects (ALTER TABLE,
Cygwin installer) going on.

But if we move SQL queries ***out*** of pgAdmin2 and pgSchema->Tables,
Triggers, etc.., this will be possible in a middle-term future. We need more
abstraction from SQL...

What do you think?


pgadmin-hackers by date:

From: Jean-Michel POURE
Subject: Re: Schema unique stamp (OID, MD5?)
From: Dave Page
Subject: Re: Schema unique stamp (OID, MD5?)