> You might try running the ten thousand inserts as a single transaction
> (do "begin" and "end" around them).
A HUGE difference (also completely took away the ID field (serial) having
only name):
Database vacuumed
pg: Trying 25000 inserts on index_with...
Time taken: 12 seconds
Database vacuumed
pg: Trying 25000 inserts on index_without...
Time taken: 12 seconds <--- MIGHT BE BACUASE OF FSYNC!? (fsyncing also for the previous run)
Database vacuumed
pg: Trying 30000 inserts on index_with...
Time taken: 15 seconds
Database vacuumed
pg: Trying 30000 inserts on index_without...
Time taken: 12 seconds
Database vacuumed
pg: Trying 35000 inserts on index_with...
Time taken: 21 seconds
Database vacuumed
pg: Trying 35000 inserts on index_without...
Time taken: 14 seconds
I can't believe what a difference that made. How can it make it faster by
putting it in a transaction? I thought that would make it slower. Like only
a 100th of the time.
Daniel Akerud