Tatsuo Ishii <t-ishii@sra.co.jp> wrote
> > not easy to find ...). After re-compiling with "--with-mb" and> > Sorry for the inconvenience. I would like to
writedocs for the> multi-byte support in PostgreSQL for the next release.
I wouldn't call it "inconvenience" -- you are no paid providers of
some service who have to care for their customers "convenience" :-)
Many thanks for writing any documentation at all! :) However, maybe it
is possible to generally include links to the relevant (?) README
files in the HTML documentation or the main README/INSTALL files?
> Anyway, to make sure that you are using mb enabled psql, start> postmaster with "-d 3" flag to get debug output (turn
off-> S. otherwise debug out will not appear). You should get lots of> messages including following portions [...]
You are right, it seems to be that the Windows client is *not* mb
enabled; I get only the following debug messages:
-------------------------------------------------- debug info: [...] query echo = f
InitPostgres reset_client_encoding().. reset_client_encoding() done.
When starting the mb-enabled Unix client, I get among others the
messages you described.
My assumption that psql without mb is not able to set CLIENT_ENCODING
was probably wrong -- I forgot that I compiled backend and psql at the
same time, so the error message I got was probably a *backend* message
> If not, you gotta into trouble. You need to build mb enabled psql on> PC by yourself.
The trouble is not as big, I was just playing around, at least for me
there is no urgent need for a Windows psql. But wouldn't it be a good
idea to generally include mb support? Or is there any reason not to
include mb support in the standard configure process?
Anyway, many thanks for your help and for providing multibyte support!
Ulf Mehlig <umehlig@zmt.uni-bremen.de> Center for Tropical Marine Ecology/ZMT, Bremen, Germany