Token length limit - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Ansley, Michael
Subject Token length limit
Msg-id 1BF7C7482189D211B03F00805F8527F70ED0DF@S-NATH-EXCH2
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: [HACKERS] Token length limit
List pgsql-hackers

Now that the query strings are effectively unlimited in length, the point
that I mentioned in a previous mail about the token length being limited to
16kB becomes an issue.  One of the reasons for wanting a large query string
length is to allow people to insert long text strings into a text field.
However, if I understand things right, the token length will limit the text
going into the text field to 16kB.  Is this right?  Should I have a look at
how to increase the token length arbitrarily?

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