jdbcCompliant() will always return false as it's hardwired to do so.
It does this because we don't yet support the minimum facilities required
before we can set it. CallableStatement is one good example.
Is it your own code that's requiring it to be set, or someone elses classes?
Peter Mount
Enterprise Support
Maidstone Borough Council
Any views stated are my own, and not those of Maidstone Borough Council.
-----Original Message-----
From: Janossy Gergely [mailto:gjano@freemail.hu]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 12:27 AM
To: pgsql-interfaces@postgresql.org
Subject: [INTERFACES] jdbc driver: Why it isn't jdbcCompliant?
I'm using Sun JDK 1.2.2 and tried to use the pgsql interface with postgresql
6.x and 7.0 as well. I couldn't use any of the interfaces because
the method Driver.jdbcCompliant() is always false. Even with mysql driver.
I used a little test program:
if (evt.getSource()==registerButton) { try { Driver
d=(Driver)Class.forName(driver.getText()).newInstance(); kiir("Registered driver: "+driver.getText());
kiir("Verzio:"+d.getMajorVersion()+"."+d.getMinorVersion()); String s; if (!d.jdbcCompliant()) s="
not"; else s=" "; kiir("This driver is "+s+"JDBC-compliant"); } catch (Exception e) {
hiba("Registrationfailed", e); }
where driver.Gettext is the path of the postgres driver (org.postgres.Driver
i think.)
Thanx for your help