Re: Global Deadlock Information - Mailing list pgsql-cluster-hackers

From Satoshi Nagayasu
Subject Re: Global Deadlock Information
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Global Deadlock Information  (Koichi Suzuki <>)
List pgsql-cluster-hackers
I don't think something special/extra required for the global wait-for graph logging,
because each sub-transaction should be processed (and recovered) as a local transaction on the each RM (Resource
under the distributed transaction environment.

A running transaction is not prepared/commited,
so no more special/extra record is needed when a local transaction is aborted.

-----Original Message-----
From: Koichi Suzuki <>
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 01:23:36
To: Satoshi Nagayasu<>
Cc: Markus Wanner<>; <>
Subject: Re: [pgsql-cluster-hackers] Global Deadlock Information


I'm very interested in how log it takes to determine the global
deadlock using global wait-for graph and if global deadlock detection
disturb other on-going transactions.

Koichi Suzuki

2010/2/7 Satoshi Nagayasu <>:
> Hi Markus,
> I attempted in two ways to resolve global deadlock situation
> in the PostgresForest development.
> (1) Use the lock_timeout to avoid from a global deadlock.
> The lock_timeout feature is a very simple way to avoid
> from the global deadlock situation.
> I disagree "statement_timeout is the way to avoid global
> deadlocks" too, because the statement_timeout kills
> the healthy/long-running transaction by its timeout.
> Some developers (including me!) proposed the lock_timeout
> GUC option.
> I still believe the "lock timeout" feature could help
> resolving a global deadlock in the cluster environment.
> (2) Use the global wait-for graph to detect a global deadlock.
> I had an experimental implemetation to use the global wait-for
> graph to prevent the global deadlock.
> I used the node(server) identifiers and the pg_locks information
> to build the global wait-for graph, and the kill signal
> (or pg_cancel()?) to abort a victim transaction causing
> the deadlock.
> I don't think the callback function is needed to replace
> the current deadlock resolution feature,
> but I agree we need a consensus how we could avoid
> the global deadlock situation in the cluster.
> Thanks,
> On 2010/02/06 18:13, Markus Wanner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to start a thread for discussion of the second item on the
>> ClusterFeatures [1] list: Global Deadlock Information.
>> IIRC there are two aspects to this item: a) the plain notification of a
>> deadlock and b) some way to control or intercept deadlock resolution.
>> The problem this item seems to address is the potential for deadlocks
>> between transactions on different nodes. Or put another way: between a
>> local transaction and one that's to be applied from a remote node (or
>> even between two remote ones - similar issue, though). To ensure
>> congruency between nodes, they must take the same measures to resolve
>> the deadlock, i.e. abort the same transaction(s).
>> I certainly disagree with the statement on the wiki that the
>> "statement_timeout is the way to avoid global deadlocks", because I
>> don't want to have to wait that long until a deadlock gets resolved.
>> Further it doesn't even guarantee congruency, depending on the
>> implementation of your clustering solution.
>> I fail to see how a plain notification API would help much. After all,
>> this could result in one node notifying having aborted transaction A to
>> resolve a deadlock while another node notifies having aborted
>> transaction B. You'd end up having to abort two (or more) transaction
>> instead of just one to resolve a conflict.
>> It could get more useful, if enabling such a notification would turn off
>> the existing deadlock resolver and leave the resolution of the deadlock
>> to the clustering solution. I'd call that an interception.
>> Such an interception API should IMO provide a way to register a
>> callback, which replaces the current deadlock resolver. Upon detection
>> of a deadlock, the callback should get a list of transaction ids that
>> are part of the lock cycle. It's then up to that callback, to chose one
>> and abort that to resolve the conflict.
>> And now, Greg's List:
>> > 1) What feature does this help add from a user perspective?
>> Preventing cluster-wide deadlocks (while maintaining congruency of
>> replicas).
>> > 2) Which replication projects would be expected to see an improvement
>> > from this addition?
>> I suspect all multi-master solutions are affected, certainly Postgres-R
>> would benefit. Single-master ones certainly don't need it.
>> > 3) What makes it difficult to implement?
>> I don't see any real stumbling block. Deciding on an API needs consensus.
>> > 4) Are there any other items on the list this depends on, or that it
>> > is expected to have a significant positive/negative interaction with?
>> Not that I know of.
>> > 5) What replication projects include a feature like this already, or a
>> > prototype of a similar one, that might be used as a proof of concept
>> > or example implementation?
>> Old Postgres-R versions once had such an interception, but it currently
>> lacks a solution for this problem. I don't know of any other project
>> that's already solved this.
>> > 6) Who is already working on it/planning to work on it/needs it for
>> > their related project?
>> I'm not currently working on it and don't plan to do so (at least) until
>> PgCon 2010.
>> Cluster hackers, is this a good summary which covers your needs as well?
>> Something missing?
>> Regards
>> Markus Wanner
>> [1]: feature wish list of cluster hackers:
> --
> NAGAYASU Satoshi <>
> --
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From: Koichi Suzuki
Subject: Re: Global Deadlock Information
From: "Satoshi Nagayasu"
Subject: Re: Global Deadlock Information