On Sat, 2012-04-07 at 18:53 -0700, Basil Bourque wrote:
> In pgAdmin 1.14.2 bundled with Postgres 9.1.3 on Mac OS X as installed by the EnterpriseDB installers…
> Preferences > Query Tool > Font
> is set to “Monaco” font.
> While Monaco is one of the original fonts shipped with every Mac ever made, in recent years Apple has bundled a much
improvedmonospaced sans-serif font named “Menlo”. Menlo is found on Macs running Snow Leopard and Lion (Mac OS X 10.6 &
10.7).Menlo is much easier to read on-screen.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menlo_(typeface)
> Please considering setting “Menlo” as the preferred default font when found on a user’s Mac.
I'll let Dave answer this one. I don't use my Mac much, can't say if
it's really interesting.
One thought though: we can set a different default font for Mac users.
I'm not sure we can do this for Mac users having Snow Leopard and later
versions of Mac OS X.