Re: PLPGSQL: How can I get the effected rows when use "execute" command in function - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Ernesto Quiniones
Subject Re: PLPGSQL: How can I get the effected rows when use "execute" command in function
Msg-id 1322575429.12115.2.camel@Nokia-N900
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In response to PLPGSQL: How can I get the effected rows when use "execute" command in function  (Muiz <>)
List pgsql-general
if you are doing insert, update or delete you can use "retuirng" command in the query, work with a cursor to get the

----- Mensaje original -----
> Dear all,
>       Can I get the effected rows after executing sqls in function?
> e.g.:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION execsqls(sqls character varying)
>     RETURNS integer AS
> $BODY$
>                       EXECUTE sqls;
>                       -- TODO-1: I want to know how many records the input sqls
> effects?
>                       RETURN effectedRows;
> END;
> $BODY$
>     LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> test: select   execsqls('update mytable where name like ''%abc''')
> --
> Regards,
> *Muiz*

pgsql-general by date:

From: Pavel Stehule
Subject: Re: PLPGSQL: How can I get the effected rows when use "execute" command in function
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