On Sat, 2011-09-10 at 18:43 +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> On Saturday, September 10, 2011, Guillaume Lelarge <guillaume@lelarge.info>
> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2011-09-10 at 18:22 +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> >> On Saturday, September 10, 2011, Guillaume Lelarge <
> guillaume@lelarge.info>
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > AFAICT, the OP's complain is valid. I'm wondering why we have an OK and
> >> > a Cancel button. The Cancel button is disabled when force parameter is
> >> > set to false. After a quick research, it seems it's always false. Maybe
> >> > we should replace the OK/Cancel pair with a Close button.
> >> >
> >> > Any objections to this change?
> >>
> >> Yes. We don't have close buttons on dialogs. There's a perfectly good one
> in
> >> the titlebar.
> >>
> >
> > It may make sense to some dialogs, and not to others. On the properties
> > dialogs, either you have to click OK to accept the changes, or you click
> > Cancel to close without applying the changes. In the guru hint dialog,
> > there is no reason (or at least, you didn't give one) to keep the OK and
> > Cancel buttons. They are disturbing.
> Cancel on that dialog means "cancel the operation that triggered the hint so
> I can correct the problem and try again". It's no different fthan "do you
> want to delete? OK/Cancel"
It's really different because on the latter, you have a real question.
On the former, there is no question which makes it difficult to
understand what the OK button will do. What will the OK button do? close
the dialog? VACUUM the table (on the VACUUM hint)? one cannot guess that
without trying. Actually, I expect a user to hit more easily the cancel
button than the OK button. Unfortunately, the Cancel button is always
disabled, so it has no meaning at all.