On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 06:24 +0200, Vladimir Kokovic wrote:
> Hi,
> I changed the names of files, so files do not start now with the 'frm' !
> In this version, disconnect from the DB server has been fixed.
Cannot check that because I have a segfault each time I paste one or
more tables in a schema.
> Additionally, I started a new form, (frmCopyTables.xrc) for the
> selection from the list of objects, but I have a problem with the XRC
> file, so I need help with the XRC file.
First, please, let's get the first patch done. Let's iron it so that I
can commit it before adding new problems/bugs with new features.
> Please, Guillaume see what's wrong with the XRC file.
Would be simpler if you could tell me what your issue is.
I suppose it has to do with the fact that the ctlCheckTreeView doesn't
grow to fill the space in the dialog. First, growablecols, and
growablerows should be 0, and not 1. At 1, it make the cell in the 2nd
row, 2nd column to grow as much as possible. Too bad there isn't a cell
there. At 0, it make the cell in the 1st row, 1st column to grow AMAP.
Second, you should get rid of the wxPanel. It doesn't grow. With all
these fixes, you should obtain the file attached. And this time, the
ctlCheckTreeView grows with the window.