On Mon, 2011-08-01 at 06:01 +0200, Vladimir Kokovic wrote:
> Hi,
> Added a thread termination control in case of main frame OnClose.
> Ignore previous two patches !
Tried it. Don't like the big button, I would get rid of it.
It behaves much better. I still don't get why you have a frmXXX if you
don't show anything. Maybe a little UI would be good. Little but better
than displaying messages in the status bar of frmMain.
Still got one crash though. Let's say I copy a huge table or a schema
with many tables or some big tables. I paste them on a schema. While the
operation is ongoing (which is hard to know unless you keep a constant
eye on the statusbar), you drop the connection to the database. It
simply crash a few moment later. This shouldn't happen. If the thread
can continue, it shouldn't crash pgAdmin3. If the thread crashes too,
the whole operation should be rolled back (which isn't what happens
right now, you still have the first few tables before disconnection).