On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 06:11 +0200, Vladimir Kokovic wrote:
> Hi,
> I can not reproduce!
> For me it works successfully.
> 1. create schema vk1
> 2. CREATE TABLE vk1.t1 (c1 bigint);
> 3. create schema vk2
> 4. copy schema tables vk1
> 5. paste into vk2 -- OK
> 6. paste into vk1 -- OK
Because you didn't follow the right order:
1. create schema vk1
2. create table vk1.t1 (c1 bigint)
3. copy schema vk1
4. create schema vk2
5. paste into vk2 .. crashes
It also crashes if I copy only one table instead of a complete schema.