On Sun, 2011-07-17 at 20:41 +0200, Vladimir Kokovic wrote:
> I do not know what happened, but I am quite sure that it is not a
> frmPasteObject.cpp!
OK, I did more testing, and the schema stuff is actually a bug I
introduced earlier. And while doing this, I found another one. Grest
evening :-/
> 1. Copy operations are in a new thread (the GUI is not blocked)
> 2. Copy operations do not use the GUI objects
> 3, Source objects are on a new connection (does not affect the status
> of the browser)
> 4. Target objects are on a new connection (does not affect the status
> of the browser)
Yes, that's easy to figure out. You just need to have the server status
window, and you find two new connections, even when it doesn't need them
(when the object is copied on the same database).