Re: command to check the database size ? - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Brad Nicholson
Subject Re: command to check the database size ?
Msg-id 1269524110.5155.39.camel@bnicholson-desktop
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: command to check the database size ?  (Khangelani Gama <>)
List pgsql-admin
On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 15:31 +0200, Khangelani Gama wrote:
> Thanks Plugge, it works fine whereby it gives me the sizes for each
> table. But is there another command that will sum up and then give me
> one size for the whole database?
> Please advise if it’s possible.

A trivial modification to the SQL statement provided will sum up the
totals for each table and present the overall size.

And, it's worth mentioning, Postgres 7.3 is many, many years old, full
of nasty bugs.  You really, really should upgrade.  If you can't, make
sure your head is not on the line when it corrupts your data.

> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Plugge, Joe R.
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:19 PM
> To: Khangelani Gama;
> Subject: Re: [ADMIN] command to check the database size ?
> Execute this against the database that you want to check the size of:
> SELECT schemaname, tablename,
> pg_size_pretty(size) AS size_pretty,
> pg_size_pretty(total_size) AS total_size_pretty
> pg_relation_size(schemaname||'.'||tablename) AS size,
> pg_total_relation_size(schemaname||'.'||tablename) AS total_size
> FROM pg_tables) AS TABLES
> WHERE schemaname='public'
> ORDER BY total_size DESC;
> This will get it by table ….
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Khangelani Gama
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: [ADMIN] command to check the database size ?
> Hi
> Please help, I am new to postgres administration. I just need a
> command to check the size of the database.
> I tried searching but no luck. The server is running on Postgres 7.3.4
> and O/S Linux Centos 5. The data sits on /data/postgres7.3.4/data
> directory. There is no directory
> like /usr/src/postgresql-7.3.4/contrib/dbsize
> But the backup server which is also running postgres 7.3.4 but on
> Redhat 9 does have /usr/src/postgresql-7.3.4/contrib/dbsize directory
> which has the following files but I don’t what to from from:
> [root@c9903 dbsize]# pwd
> /usr/src/postgresql-7.3.4/contrib/dbsize
> [root@c9903 dbsize]# ls -ltrh
> total 16K
> -rw-r--r--    1 70       wheel         201 Feb 23  2002 Makefile
> -rw-r--r--    1 70       wheel         253 Apr  2  2002
> -rw-r--r--    1 70       wheel         554 Jun 23  2002 README.dbsize
> -rw-r--r--    1 70       wheel        2.6K Sep  4  2002 dbsize.c
> [root@c9903 dbsize]#
> I also could not find functions like pg_database_size(), pg_size_pretty()
> ,etc in this old version of postgres7.3.4.
> In summary I can’t find the command to find the database size from the
> main server and from the backup server.
> Please help
> Thanks
> Khangelani
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Brad Nicholson  416-673-4106
Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp.

pgsql-admin by date:

From: "Plugge, Joe R."
Subject: Re: command to check the database size ?
From: Brad Nicholson
Subject: Re: command to check the database size ?