I understood that in the Loop you can change the values of a variable! Exactly what I needed. but unfortunately all of this seems to be temporary. Consequently, the record in the table won't be updated by the changes we made on the local variable even if it points to a record in the table. I forgot the aspect of the cursor that is temporary.
But in all the case, It could be a great improvement to let the syntax modify directly the table.
I think I will find another way to do it. with EXECUTE!!
Best regards
Le mercredi 03 février 2010 à 10:05 +0100, Albe Laurenz a écrit :
Florent THOMAS wrote:
> I'm currently running on pg8.4 and I have a trigger with a loop :
> FOR ventilation_local IN (SELECT * FROM XXX) LOOP
> IF (mytest) THEN
> ventilation_local.myfield:=mynewvalue;
> my problem is that the record doen't accept the new value.
> I've chek before the value that is not null.
> Is it a fonctionnality accepted in pg8.4 on record type?
What do you mean by "the record doen't accept the new value"?
Can you show us some SQL statements that exhibit the problem?
Laurenz Albe