Hy folks,<br /><br /> First I foud a bug.<br /> While I edit a jod and try to modify a step or a schedule from this
window,pgadmin crashed as I validate.<br /><br /> Then I have a probleme with the syntax of the steps.<br /> I created
afunction that is called each night : fn_myfunction (returns void)<br /> When I exexute <i>select fn_myfunction();</i>
inthe sql panel, everything is good.<br /> Unfortunately as I copy this command in the detail of the job, it's always
unsuccessfull.<br /> The message is : <i>function fn_myfunction doesn't exists</i><br /> Yet it exists in the database
asI could run the command directly. What kind of issue could it be?<br /> I work on a local database. In the job, I
precisedthe database I work with.<br /><br /> Thanks for your help<br /><br />