On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 18:11 -0400, John DeSoi wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
> > Any chance of going to 8.3?
> >
> > http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/datatype-uuid.html
> For reasons mentioned by the other poster, it would be helpful if
> PostgreSQL could generate them. Is there really more than 2 or 3
> needed options where it would be huge code bloat to include sufficient
> alternatives?
There has been excessive discussion on UUID generation. I would check
the archives. I know that one argument that I made is that pretty much
every language has some sort of UUID generation already, including those
we use for PL languages (excluding plpgsql).
Joshua D. Drake