On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 13:54 -0800, Josh Berkus wrote:
> I've gotten a report that several people were arbitrarily kicked off
> planetpostgresql.org. Surely if people's RSS feeds are going to be
> cancelled, we'd discuss it on this list?
I did not "kick off" . I remove them temporarily, because of the rules.
The rule is simple:
*If* your posts are very long, please break them into two parts. One
that's included on planetpostgresql.org and a second that's available
after clicking a link. This will keep the layout of planetpostgresql.org
easy and quick for our visitors. See examples on Planet PostgreSQL.
I e-mailed this information to our bloggers on Jan 8.
..and I informed everyone PLUS planet list (a list hosted
@postgresql.org) so that everyone would be kept up2date. That list
includes at least 3 prominent community members other than me : Magnus,
Robert (Treat) and Jim (Nasby).
As the blogs are "fixed", I'll add them again. This is what I explicitly
wrote in the e-mail that I sent to 3 people today.
I hope this is clear for everyone.
I'm upset that this thread took my half of the day. Also, I'm upset that
you are writing this e-mail to a public list without asking me first.
I'm a few clicks away from you on Jabber.
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