How about writing a C function (invoked from a trigger) that will send
the serialized tuple using say UDP protocol (considering you're syncing
on a reliable LAN), and then a simple UDP-listening daemon that will
perform the insert into the slave one. If you have multiple slaves, can
use that with broadcasting....
On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 21:38 -0500, Greg Smith wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Dec 2007, SHARMILA JOTHIRAJAH wrote:
> > Have anyone implemented or tried record-based log shipping? If so is
> > there any other materials in the web other than the documentation (it
> > has very few details about this)
> There is an implementation of that as part of the Skytools WalMgr code:
> Some sample interesting parts are in the file, in the
> master_sync function, where they run
> select file_name, file_offset from pg_xlogfile_name_offset(pg_current_xlog_location())
> and then copy that section of the current WAL file over.
> It's kind of hard to reuse any portion of their solution without adopting
> the whole thing, but it's a decent approach if you're comfortable with
> Python code.
> --
> * Greg Smith Baltimore, MD
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend