On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 17:03 +0200, tfinneid@student.matnat.uio.no wrote:
> > If you instead cast the connection to a DelegatingConnection (the DBCP
> > wrapper class), then you can invoke the .getInnermostDelegate() method
> > and get a handle to the underlying PG Connection object.
> Thanks, that cleared up that error, but then I got another error:
> NullPointerException
> It claims that the delegate does not exist, so it returns null instead.
> Any ideas?
What is returning null? You need to be more specific. Could you post a
code snippet?
Also, this isn't really PG-specific, this is a DBCP issue. I'll help
you with it if you want, but after this message let's drop it from the
list to avoid cluttering up pg-jdbc.
-- Mark