Re: .NET driver - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Hannu Krosing
Subject Re: .NET driver
Msg-id 1186054495.6546.2.camel@hannu-laptop
Whole thread Raw
In response to .NET driver  ("Rohit Khare" <>)
Responses Re: .NET driver
List pgsql-hackers
Ühel kenal päeval, N, 2007-08-02 kell 11:24, kirjutas Rohit Khare:
> I used NPGSQL .NET driver to connect PGSQL 8.2.4 database to VB.NET.
> As stated on NPGSQL page, it doesn't seem to provide seamless
> integration and performance with .NET. Instead when I used ODBC, the
> performance was comparatively better. What's the reason? When can we
> expect .NET driver that provides seamless integration. 

What kind of "seamless integration" are you looking for ?

Which is more important to you "seamless integration" or performance ?


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From: Alexey Klyukin
Subject: Re: GIT patch
From: "Merlin Moncure"
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