Oh yes you have a good point. But then I will still have to test insert and update on views.
Thanks a lot michael!
On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 00:56 -0500, Michael Glaesemann wrote:
On Jul 31, 2007, at 0:23 , Ronald Rojas wrote:
> Yes I know that procedure but I would like to insert in between
> because I have at third party software that will call the said
> schema and one of its dependencies with the mapping is it should
> have the correct order with what the receiving end will be use for
> the mapping. And in this case, I can't modify the receiving
> structure (third-party) and the tables that I will be using is in
> on production state. So would only mean that I have to schedule a
> very fast maintenance, probably 5 to 10 secs just to re-initialize
> the tables.
Another option would be to use views to change the column order,
which would work for selects. I believe you could create rules for
insert and update as well, if necessary. Perhaps this would be a
solution to your problem.
Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net
Ronald Rojas
Systems Administrator
Linux Registered User #427229
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