On Fri, 2006-12-29 at 12:39 -0500, James Neff wrote:
> Greetings,
> Ive got a java application I am reading data from a flat file and
> inserting it into a table. The first 2 million rows (each file
> contained about 1 million lines) went pretty fast. Less than 40 mins to
> insert into the database.
You need to vacuum during the inserts :)
Joshua D. Drake
> After that the insert speed is slow. I think I may be able to type the
> data faster than what is being done by the java application on the third
> file.
> Table looks like this:
> CREATE TABLE data_archive
> (
> id serial NOT NULL,
> batchid integer NOT NULL,
> claimid character varying(25) NOT NULL,
> memberid character varying(45) NOT NULL,
> raw_data text NOT NULL,
> status integer DEFAULT 0,
> line_number integer,
> CONSTRAINT data_archive_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
> )
> there is also an index on batchid.
> The insert command is like so:
> "INSERT INTO data_archive (batchid, claimid, memberid, raw_data, status,
> line_number) VALUES ('" + commandBatchID + "', '', '', '" + raw_data +
> "', '1', '" + myFilter.claimLine + "');";
> where the raw_data variable is the line from the file.
> How can I find out what is causing this slow down and how do I speed it up?
> Database is 8.2.0 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.
> There is nothing else running on this database server (other than
> standard linux background programs). PS ax did not show anything else
> running. No locks other than the occasional lock by the INSERT query.
> I have done a FULL vacuum on this table but not reindex (running now).
> Thanks in advance,
> James
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
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