> Gee, thanks. Perhaps one might consider the license a reason why some
> might prefer GNUTLS and would like to see the option? I'm pretty
> confident that Debian, at least, would switch to using GNUTLS for
> Postgres were it available. It's certainly something we'd like to see
> supported by upstream as an alternative to OpenSSL. Given the patch is
> available it's possible we could just apply it locally (as was done w/
> OpenLDAP) but I really don't think anyone would like to see that.
I am not the one you need to convince :). I honestly don't care that
much. I am just trying to help clean up the TODO list. If you want the
GNU TLS patch accepted, you should probably start a thread about that
problem specifically.
Currently, Tom Lane does not like how invasive the patch is. So someone
is going to have to convince him this is a good idea or some of the
other committers.
Joshua D. Drake
> Thanks,
> Stephen
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