On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 11:10 -0800, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> I'm breaking up a database into several sets of data with similar layout. (we
> currently have multiple customers using a single database and tableset, we're
> splitting it out to give us more "wiggle room")
> It seems that there are basically two ways to proceed:
> 1) Copy out the data specific to a customer and load into a separate database
> for that customer, or
> 2) Copy out the data specific to a customer and load into separate tables
> (with slightly different names, EG table "dates" becomes "cust1_dates") and
> use data partitioning to help with performance as needed.
3) Put each customer in their own schema/namespace which resides within
its own table space.
Then you can move customers wherever you need in terms of IO.
Joshua D. Drake
> Given the same physical hardware, which one is likely to perform better? Does
> it make any difference? Does using separate databases use more RAM than a
> single database with a bunch of different tables?
> Company is growing rapidly, so growth room is important...
> -Ben
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