> > Don't count out LSI either. They make a great SATA controller based off
> > their very well respected SCSI controller.
> Interesting. Does it perform as well as the ARECAs
I don't know if it performs as well as the ARECAs but I can say, I have
never had a complaint.
> and how much BBU cache can
> you put in it?
Yes it support BBU and the max cache depends on the card.
4 drive model, comes with a static 64 megs
8 drive model, comes with a static 128 megs
I don't know if they are expandable but keep.
> Oh, does it use the good ole megaraid_mbox driver as well?
Yeah it uses the long standing megaraid, stable as all get out and fast
driver :)
Joshua D. Drake
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