On Fri, 2006-09-22 at 10:52 -0300, Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha wrote:
> Hil list,
> I have a query but my IDE (Delphi) does not accept "to_char"
> capability. Is there a way to reproduce the same query without using
> to_char function ?
> Here is my query:
> SELECT to_char(quando,'dd/MM/yyyy HH24:MI'),count(id)
> FROM base.tentativa
> GROUP BY to_char(quando,'dd/MM/yyyy HH24:MI')
> order by 1
Assuming that your IDE has the same issues with date_trunc, you could
always put things into a view...
in psql do something like:
create view frozen_caveman_ide as SELECT to_char(quando,'dd/MM/yyyy HH24:MI'), count(id) FROM base.tentativa GROUP
BYto_char(quando,'dd/MM/yyyy HH24:MI');
then just call the view when you need that.