On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 13:24 -0800, Ken Hill wrote:<br /><blockquote type="CITE"><font color="#000000">On Tue,
2006-02-14at 13:08 -0800, chester c young wrote: </font><blockquote type="CITE"><pre>
<font color="#000000">> Here is my query SQL:</font>
<font color="#000000">> </font>
<font color="#000000">> SELECT key100 FROM ncccr10</font>
<font color="#000000">> WHERE ncccr10.key100 NOT IN (SELECT key100 FROM ncccr9);</font>
<font color="#000000">> </font>
<font color="#000000">> It is is running after 30 minutes. Here is the query plan:</font>
<font color="#000000">></font>
<font color="#000000">I would try an outer join:</font>
<font color="#000000">select a.key100</font>
<font color="#000000">from ncccr10 a</font>
<font color="#000000">left join ncccr9 b on( key100 )</font>
<font color="#000000">where b.key100 is null;</font>
<font color="#000000">also (hate to be obvious) have you analyzed lately?</font>
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</pre></blockquote><font color="#000000">Yes, I did a VACUUM ANALYZE on the entire database before running this query.
Also,I get an error with your suggestion:</font><br /><br /><font color="#000000">csalgorithm=# SELECT a.key100 FROM
ncccr10a</font><br /><font color="#000000">csalgorithm-# LEFT JOIN ncccr9 b ON(a.key100)</font><br /><font
color="#000000">csalgorithm-#WHERE b.key100 IS Null;</font><br /><font color="#000000">ERROR: argument of JOIN/ON must
betype boolean, not type character</font><br /><br /></blockquote> Well, this works:<br /><br /> SELECT *<br /> FROM
ncccr9a<br /> LEFT JOIN ncccr10 b USING( key100 )<br /> WHERE b.key100 is null;<br /><br /> It still seems slow. It
takesabout the same time to run as in MS Access. I thought PostgreSQL would be faster.