On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 14:32 -0500, Kris Jurka wrote:
> This patch adds most of the options available for regular CREATE TABLE
> syntax to the CREATE TABLE x AS SELECT ... and AS EXECUTE ...
> Specifically this allows specification of on commit behavior for temp
> tables and tablespaces for regular tables to these two statements.
The implementation is pretty ugly -- it clutters ExecuteStmt and Query
with fields that really do not belong there. Per previous discussion, I
think it would be better to refactor the CREATE TABLE AS implementation
to be essentially a CREATE TABLE followed by a INSERT ... SELECT.
(That's not necessarily a reason to reject the patch, but the patch does
increase the benefit of performing that refactoring.)
A few cosmetic comments:
typedef struct ExecuteStmt
NodeTag type;
char *name;
RangeVar *into;
ContainsOids intocontainsoids;
bool intohasoids;
OnCommitAction intooncommit;
char *intotablespacename;
List *params;
} ExecuteStmt;
I think we ought to use either camel-case or underscore characters to
separate words.
parser/analyze.c, circa 1822:
if (stmt->intoTableSpaceName)
qry->intoTableSpaceName = pstrdup(stmt->intoTableSpaceName);
qry->intoTableSpaceName = NULL;
You can omit the "else", as makeNode() zeroes all the fields of the new
node. (You could argue that leaving the assignment is more readable, but
I personally don't think so: this behavior of makeNode() is used in a
several places in the backend.)