problem with david wheelers feed on planetpostgresql - Mailing list pgsql-www

From Robert Treat
Subject problem with david wheelers feed on planetpostgresql
Msg-id 1133537784.3452.293.camel@camel
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Responses Re: problem with david wheelers feed on planetpostgresql
Re: problem with david wheelers feed on planetpostgresql
List pgsql-www
I've noticed that David Wheeler's blog postings are continuously
incrementing in their posting date on planetpostgresql. This is keeping
his blog post at the top of the page and bumping others below the fold.
For example, I completely missed Chris's blog post on my$ql compat beta
release. I've sent David an IM about this, but until it's fixed perhaps
we should remove his feed from the page?

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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