On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 17:43 -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> 1) I've put up a new version of the release in the usual places on
> pgfoundry.org. I think I've incorporated most feedback, and fixed some
> wording issues. I've also added INOUT functions to the list of features,
> which I'd forgotten. INOUT is a big J2EE checklist item, so I wanted to
> get it in the release.
> So, please get your revisions in!
A few changes.
My main concerns on the previous version were:
- Lance's quote made it seem like his company was the only one behind
PostgreSQL, I've re-edited to improve that, since many is better than
one. That leads to an altered quote (I hasten to add this is just one
possible edit - Lance hasnt said those things, and may never do and I
have no wish to coerce either).
- Merlin's quote about 1 and 2 CPU systems made it sound like that's all
we do and so I've added a short sentence afterwards to give a wider
Best Regards, Simon Riggs