I want to do a simple substatution of a value in a query. For example I have a boolean field that wil return t or f
forTrue and False. I would like it to return Yes or No. I don't want to have a 2x2 table to look up the output. I don't
wantto use stored procedue.<br /><br /> I think there is a better way, somthing very simple but I cannot remember what
itis.<br /><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td><br /><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
width="100%"><tr><td><u><ahref="mailto:roy@SiliconTao.com">Roy Souther</a></u><br /><u><a
href="http://www.SiliconTao.com">www.SiliconTao.com</a></u><br/> Let Open Source help your business move beyond.<br
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