My problem is this:
I want to send a binary file in a CDATA section of an xml file to a
server that will then turn around and put the binary file a bytea
Is there a way that I can use postgresql-74.213.jar (or more recent) to
encode the file in bytea on the client side? If no, do you know where I
can get code to do that?
If the server puts data in the database will the database recognize that
it is bytea already?
thank you,
On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 09:53 +1200, Oliver Jowett wrote:
> Jesse Eichar wrote:
> > 1. Is the byte stream (or byte array) converted to bytea on the database
> > side or on client before sending? (My client is using the
> > postgresql-74.213.jar).
> You give the driver a byte[] (setBytes) or InputStream
> (setBinaryStream); it does the rest. Old drivers such as build 213 will,
> IIRC, convert this to a text representation internally before sending to
> the backend; newer drivers will send the data directly without
> conversion. But this is all transparent to the client.
> -O