On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 10:02 -0500, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> Hello,
> I mainly use PHP to access my database. The PHP in the server is compiled with
> postgreSQL client lib v. 7.3. I am planning to upgrade my database server (on
> other machine) to version 8.0. Do I need to recompile PHP to use 8.0 client,
> or is it compatible ?
You shouldn't notice any issues with this. In our hosting environment,
we're using older pgsql client libs with postgresql 8 with no issues.
* Robby Russell | Owner.Developer.Geek
* PLANET ARGON | www.planetargon.com
* Portland, OR | robby@planetargon.com
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* PHP/PostgreSQL Hosting & Development
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