On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 00:55 +0000, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
> SELECT start_date, start_time, end_time, title
> FROM onp_crm_activity_log
> WHERE start_date IS NOT NULL
> ORDER BY start_date ASC, start_time ASC;
> start_date | start_time | end_time | title
> ---------------------+---------------------+---------------------+-----------
> 2005-02-03 00:00:00 | 2005-02-03 08:00:00 | | Something
> 2005-02-03 00:00:00 | 2005-02-03 09:00:00 | 2005-02-03 12:00:00 | Something
> 2005-02-03 00:00:00 | | | Something
> Now, as you see, touples with NULL in the "start_time"-field appear "after"
> the others. I would like to make all entries where start_time IS NULL apear
> *before* all the others. Any idea how to achieve this?
how about ORDER BY start_date , COALESCE(start_time,'0001-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp)