More Code Page wierdness - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Simon Riggs
Subject More Code Page wierdness
Msg-id 1105393606.3803.111.camel@localhost.localdomain
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: More Code Page wierdness
Re: More Code Page wierdness
Re: More Code Page wierdness
List pgsql-hackers-win32
Spent a few hours today diagnosing some errors on Win32 (on Windows
Server 2003). These were, I think, wrongly identified as being Windows
Installer problems, so I believe Magnus was chasing his tail also.

The problem seemed to be code page related...

If you set listen_addresses="*" then the pgsql server doesn't recognise
this because * in one code page is different from * in another. It looks
like a *, but it isn't...

Setting listen_addresses to other valid values works just fine....tested
with "localhost" using local TCP/IP connection; "localhost, 10.0.0.x"
with access from 10.0.0.x...all working fine.

Changing the default Language setting to match that of your keyboard is
only a temporary workaround, since you can't be sure which code page is
in use by any particular application or window. The only way to be sure
is to set the default code page to the current locale and reboot, but
I'm not sure that catches everything either once things have been

ISTM that the code page comments for psql are NOT the only ones that get
effected by any code page mismatch. (and BTW, Windows 1252 is the UK
default, not just the German - it is "Latin I"). ***Please put them back
onto the Windows Installation page, where they should be***

Anyway, main point here guys is deep code page wierdness is a wider
problem than was at first thought...

More testing required....and more on this particular problem to follow.

I may suggest adding "any" as an option in the listen_addresses GUC, to
ease the pain of this...but that seems too narrow a solution, much like
the earlier suggestion to put the code page comments only on psql....

These are definitely not Windows Installer problems because it is
perfectly valid action to change the Language of a server, at least in
Europe. The server should work, no matter what any installer
did/does....just the same as the server knows not to start if the
installer incorrectly set up the rights of the instance owning userid.

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

pgsql-hackers-win32 by date:

From: "Magnus Hagander"
Subject: Re: RC4 MSI is up...
From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: More Code Page wierdness