On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 09:25, Gregory S. Williamson wrote:
> This is postgres 7.4 on a linux box ...
> I have driven myself to distraction trying to what ought to be easy.
> I have a table with house number, street direction, street name and
> street suffix as 4 columns. I want to paste them together as one text
> string for use by another application.
> SELECT s_house,s_post_dir,s_street,s_suffix FROM parcels WHERE s_pin =
> '1201703303520';
> s_house | s_post_dir | s_street | s_suffix
> ---------+------------+----------------+----------
> 34643 | | FIG TREE WOODS |
> So to get "34643 FIG TREE WOODS" what do I do ?
> SELECT s_house || ' ' || s_post_dir || ' ' || s_street || ' ' ||
> s_suffix FROM parcels WHERE s_pin = '1201703303520';
> ?column?
> ----------
> (1 row)
> I have tried all manner of COALESCE and various trickeries. Nothing
> works. In Informix this works exactly as I think it should. Is
> Informix totally whack, or what ?
> I guess I will have to code a perl script to do this seemingly
> straightforward operation. Any suggestions as to what i am missing
> (and I've been back and forth through the manual) would be most
> welcome.
I presume the empty columns are NULL. Anything concatenated with NULL
produces NULL. You should probably define columns that can be blank as
With your current data you should use:
SELECT TRIM(TRIM(TRIM(COALESCE(s_house,'') || ' ' ||
COALESCE(s_post_dir,'')) || ' ' || COALESCE(s_street ,'')) || ' ' ||
COALESCE(s_suffix,'')) FROM parcels WHERE s_pin = '1201703303520';
The TRIMs are to remove surplus spaces from inside the result string.