On Sat, 2004-10-23 at 07:35, Philip Hofstetter wrote:
> <snip> It would just have been easier to find if PostgreSQL actually had
> told me so (I'm not getting those NOTICEs from PHP...).
As far as I can tell, Apache or PHP snarfs up all the messages that
postgres generates before they can get to the postgres log.
In order to see them, these are my entries from php.ini:
1. error_reporting = E_ALL
2. display_errors = Off
3. log_errors = On
4. log_errors_max_len = 2048
In english:
1. Every freakin message you see
2. don't put em on the web page
3. just my log file
4. and show me all my long queries.
On my system, everything ends up in apache's error_log.